Lead Generation
Outsourcing your lead generation and nurturing process frees up your sales team to focus on what they do best – selling.
Appointment Setting
Your sales force perform more effectively if they are fed with regular, well-qualified Sales Appointments. Prospect Solutions can help you to get the most out of your sales team.
Suitable cost effective data to suit your individual campaign requirements. We have close partnerships with the UK’s leading data brokers to ensure we have the most up-to-date, accurate and GDPR compliant data possible for every campaign we run.
Data Appending / Matching
Prospect Solutions is not only a specialist in data management for the technology industry, but we also use some of the most sophisticated data matching software available.
Data Cleansing & Verification
We can help you provide excellent customer service and to support future marketing efforts by ensuring you have information for relevant decision makers.
Event Marketing
Many companies use events, seminars and webinars as an effective way of developing business opportunities. We help our clients to achieve a maximum return on marketing investment by ensuring key decision making contacts attend your events.
Re-Seller / Channel Recruitment
No time for recruitment? Our IT Telemarketing Service can help you grow your reseller channel
Lead Tracker
Lead Tracker allows you to identify your website visitors and identify sales leads you never knew you had and accelerate your marketing ROI
LinkedIn Lead Generation
Using your own company LinkedIn profiles, we run connection request and messaging campaigns to build more than 300 new connections per month. This is turn generates 6+ hot leads per month.
Email Marketing
Email marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your brand and increase sales. Prospect Solutions can provide your business with a managed campaign to help drive more leads.